Here’s the deal, if you haven’t seen Star Wars, go watch them immediately. Definitely don’t continue to read as you will be met with nasty spoilers.
The Wars began with part IV. It skipped past Darth Vader’s formative years and dove right into the good stuff. Three episodes later, balance was restored to the force and all seemed right with the world.
We often think of adoption with the end at the forefront of our minds. What we don’t always remember is the long journey it takes to get there. We skip right past the first 5 and a half episodes and focus on happily ever after.
While happily ever after should encourage you to keep moving, don’t look completely past the journey. In the end, the struggle to get there will make it even sweeter.
While you’re here, enjoy these 2 things you can learn on adoption from a galaxy far, far away….
Don’t Obi-Wan Kenobi it.
The most iconic line in cinema came about because a.) George Lucas is a genius and b.) the plot allowed it to happen, due largely to an error of Obi-Wan.
Luke, I am your father would have meant much less had Luke’s mentor been honest with him about the life that he came from. Even for a guy who just found out his crush was his sister, that was a shocker
Sometimes birth parent reunions are beautiful.
My favorite scene from the series is the reconciliation of Luke and his father. What a beautiful picture of family and grace.
We love open adoptions at Adoption Arkansas, in fact, most of ours are open in some form. With that being said, closed adoptions still happen and with them can come those tearful reunions when a child becomes an adult. Those reunions can carry a similar grace to the iconic scene from George Lucas’ masterpiece.
Contact Justin Heimer for questions about adoption in Arkansas.