[title size=”1″ content_align=”left” style_type=”single” sep_color=”#e28793″ class=”” id=””]An Ugly Side of the Adoption Industry[/title][fusion_text]

A young woman finds out she is pregnant. She has not planned to start a family, rather, she knows that raising a child will throw many of her own plans out the window. She speaks to an agency or an attorney to get a basic understanding of what the adoption process looks like. The adoption process becomes difficult when the birth mother is not given an adequate explanation of the consequences of signing the consent form and relinquishing her rights. When a poor explanation is given, she is treated well and valued only until the adoptive parents take the baby. The birth mother often becomes an afterthought at this point, and is left feeling abandoned, confused and without any help or resources to turn to.
Though adoption can be a most wonderful expression of love, like anything, it can be handled poorly, even unethically. As a firm that loves adoption and works in the adoption field, it is important to recognize when an adoption is not being handled as it should.
Adoption is not always easy. Specifically, for a birth mother, there is a sacred and biological bond between her and the child that will be hard to overcome when she leaves the child with the adoptive parents. Giving the child up for adoption, does not mean it is not the right choice, but it does mean the birth mother should be counseled on the hardships as well as the joys of adoption.
Further, the wellbeing of the birth mother should be at the core of both the agency and attorney’s pursuits, as well as that of the adopting family. An adoption without genuine care, flowing from the agency and attorney to the birth mother and adoptive parents, lacks the feel good flavor that adoption should always have. Genuine care does not immediately peace out when a baby is born, neither does it coerce.
At Adoption Arkansas it is in our DNA to advocate for adoption. Nevertheless, we should keep an eye out for everyone involved in the process. Adoption is amazing, let’s keep it that way.[/fusion_text]