Heimer Law is a family law firm specializing in adoption law. We are licensed for the entire state of Arkansas, and will be happy to work with you if you live in Arkansas or if the child to be adopted lives in Arkansas.  If you are not in Arkansas, we will be happy to help you find a suitable adoption professional in your state. But let’s look more closely at the question of whether Heimer Law can help you if you live outside of Arkansas.


The legal word involved in answering this question is “jurisdiction.” Arkansas law says, “The state shall possess jurisdiction over the adoption of a minor if the person seeking to adopt the child, or the child, is a resident of this state.”

This is an either-or situation. Sometimes people who want to adopt a child choose to adopt in Arkansas because we are a family-friendly state. Different states have different laws, and the adoption laws in Arkansas may be more family-friendly than those in your state. You can adopt a child in Arkansas if the child is a resident of Arkansas.

So how can you tell, if you want to adopt a newborn, whether that child is a resident of Arkansas? Here’s what the law says: “A child under the age of six (6) months shall be considered a resident of this state if the:

  • Child’s birth mother resided in Arkansas for more than four (4) months immediately preceding the birth of the child;
  • Child was born in this state or in any border city that adjoins the Arkansas state line or is separated only by a navigable river from an Arkansas city that adjoins the Arkansas state line; and
  • Child remains in this state until the interlocutory decree has been entered, or in the case of a nonresident adoptive family, upon the receipt of approval pursuant to the Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children, § 9-29-201 et seq., the child and the prospective adoptive parents may go back to their state of residence and subsequently may return to Arkansas for a hearing on the petition for adoption.”

A child over six months of age must have lived in Arkansas for six months and must still live in Arkansas when the adoption takes place.

If you live outside of Arkansas and want to adopt, we can help you find a child who is a resident of Arkansas so that the adoption can properly take place in Arkansas.

Placing a child for adoption in Arkansas

If you are an expectant mom living outside of Arkansas, your child can be adopted by a family or individual living in Arkansas. The home study will take place in Arkansas and they must live in Arkansas, though there is no limit on how long they must have lived here.

There are many reasons that you might choose to place your baby in a different state from the one where you live, and there are no legal obstacles to doing this. We will be glad to answer your questions about the process.

So can Heimer Law help if you live outside of Arkansas?

The answer is probably yes. In any case, we can answer your questions and help you find the best resources to meet your needs, in Arkansas or in your home state. Call us or fill out our simple inquiry form.

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