You’re ready to adopt your stepson or stepdaughter — congratulations to all of you! This kind of adoption can make your family feel more connected, simplify your lives, and safeguard your children in the event of unforeseen events. But there can also be other family ties that might be affected. How can you plan for relationships between your child and their grandparents or other family members?

Termination of parental rights

When you adopt your stepchild, the parental rights of their noncustodial parent will end. For example, if you are a stepfather, your stepchild’s father will no longer have a legal relationship with the child. That means there will also no longer be a legal relationship between the child and her biological father’s parents, siblings, or other relatives.

Planning for continued contact

Even though the legal relationship is severed, you may still choose to allow continued contact with the former relatives. If your husband’s child is close to his mother’s parents, you can choose to allow them to continue as honorary grandparents in your child’s life. A stepchild’s favorite aunt or uncle can still continue to be part of the child’s life.

If you want this, it’s wise to work out the details ahead of time. Just as you would make a plan in an open adoption to allow the birth mother to visit your child or to call on holidays, you cn allow contact with other members of the birth family after you adopt your stepchild.

Just as with an open adoption, you can work out the details. Will you invite the former parent’s mom to join you for holidays? Will you agree to unsupervised visits? Will you agree to send photos and updates? Make the plan and get it in writing. This will reduce later stress and strife.

You need a lawyer

A stepparent adoption can seem like a formality — you’re already your stepchild’s parent, after all. But things can get emotional and complicated over time, even if you didn’t foresee any complications. In a contested case, you might not be aware of the other relatives’ feelings or intentions. You’ll be wise to have an experienced adoption lawyer involved in your plans.

Every plan will be different. You might want your child’s biological family to join your extended family or you might just agree to exchange Christmas cards. A legal agreement will keep things from getting uncomfortable in the future.

Heimer Law has extensive experience with stepparent adoptions and intensive expertise on Arkansas adoption law. We can support you through the process with your child’s and your family’s best interests at heart. Call (479) 225.9725 for a free consultation.

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