Choosing adoption for your baby means creating a loving future for your child. It’s a strong and loving choice, showing selflessness and courage. But it’s not just a check box: adoption yes or no. You can choose among different plans and processes. Spend some time exploring adoption options before you make your adoption plan.

Almost half of the pregnancies in the United States each year are unplanned. People facing an unplanned pregnancy often consider more than one possible outcome.

When should you decide?

Babies cannot be adopted until they are born. It is possible to choose adoption for your baby at any time after their birth. Deciding earlier has some real advantages, though. If you decide on adoption while you are expecting, the adoptive parents you choose are allowed to help you financially. Emotional and legal support will also be available to you. Most importantly, the stress of making up your mind is resolved. You can feel confident about your choice and concentrate on completing a healthy pregnancy and planning for your future life.

Once their babies are born, Arkansas birth mothers who have chosen adoption have 10 days to change their minds. After this time, the adoption is final and cannot be undone. This is the absolute deadline for your decision.

Adoption options

The first decision among adoption options is whether you want a closed adoption or an open adoption. In a closed adoption, the parents are anonymous and the records are closed. The birth parents and the adoptive parents might have no information about one another, or they might have very little information. Either way, you can choose what you want the adoptive parents to know about you.

Closed adoptions are intended to minimize the connections between the biological parents and the adopted child. You should not expect to visit the child or to receive photos or reports if you choose this option.

Open adoptions allow the possibility of continued contact with the child. You can choose the adoptive family who will be your child’s family. You can arrange to receive photos and letters. Some open adoptions ripen into extended family relationships. There is a wide range of possibilities in open adoption plans.

There is also an option which can be called a semi-open adoption or mediated adoption. In this case, the parents do not share information; the adoptive parents will not know your name or have direct contact with you. Instead, they can provide information about the child to an adoption professional, who can share it with you. This allows privacy and even anonymity while also allowing you to know the outcome of the adoption.

First steps

There is no cost to place your child for adoption, and you can talk with Heimer Law without making any commitment. We are experienced with adoption and can answer your questions. You will not have to share your name or to make a decision when you are talking with us. Call (479) 225.9725 to begin the conversation.