In the landscape of adoption, there are many pathways to building a family. Closed adoption is one of the possibilities.

The core concept is minimal ongoing contact between birth parents and adoptive parents after a child’s placement. This limited contact can vary in degree. Some closed adoptions withhold any identifying information about the birth parents from the adoptive family, and vice versa. In other scenarios, non-identifying details like medical history or a general description of the birth parents might be exchanged.

Why choose closed adoption?

There are several reasons why birth parents might choose a closed adoption. One primary motivation is to maintain privacy or shield their identities from their families or communities. This could be due to personal situations, fear of social stigma, or their emotional state at the time of placement.

For some birth parents, limited contact serves as a way to manage the emotional challenges of placing a child for adoption. It grants them space and time to grieve their loss while ensuring the child flourishes in a loving adoptive home.

Some adoptive parents might also favor a closed adoption to minimize uncertainty or potential emotional upheaval for the child. Their desire might be to establish a strong parent-child bond without the complexities of ongoing contact with the birth family.


It’s important to consider the potential emotional impact of closed adoption, which can affect both birth parents and the adopted child. Birth parents might grapple with feelings of loss or guilt, while the adopted child may have questions about their biological heritage later in life.

While the adoption begins as closed, some agreements allow for the possibility of openness in the future. This could involve exchanging letters or photos when the child reaches adulthood.

Closed adoption is just one option among several paths to adoption. Open adoption allows for varying degrees of ongoing contact and communication between birth and adoptive families. The experienced team at Heimer Law can help you make sure that the legal arrangements you make — closed or open — are the best for all members of the family.

Ultimately, the decision to pursue a closed adoption is deeply personal. It hinges on the specific circumstances and preferences of those involved. With thoughtful consideration and support, this type of adoption can be the path to the formation of a loving family.

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