In Arkansas, adoptive parents are allowed to help birth mothers with their medical costs. In fact, the medical expenses are […]
Category: adoption
Adoption information for birth mothers and adoptive parents, as well as people looking for answers about adoption
The Dangers of Adoption without an Attorney
We sometimes hear questions about adoption without an attorney. While the idea of adopting a child without the assistance of […]
Can Birth Parents Take Back an Adopted Child?
Most adoptions nowadays are open adoptions, but some prospective adoptive parents worry that birth parents who have information about a […]
Adoptive Parents: Profile or Portfolio?
As you begin the adoption process, you will need to make a profile or portfolio — or both. While they […]
History of Open Adoption
Open adoption — adoptions in which the adoptive parents have information about birth parents and birth parents have some continued […]
Your Adopted Child’s Family Medical History
When you take your adopted child to a doctor’s appointment, you’ll be asked whether anyone in your family has had […]
What Does It Cost to Bring Baby Home?
Bringing a new baby home involves significant costs. This is just as true for adoptive parents as for birth parents, […]
Set Up a College Fund for Your Adopted Child
Your adoption journey involves a lot of paperwork and official actions. Here’s one more item you might want to plan […]