There is never any cost to an expectant mother or a birth mother for putting a baby up for adoption. When you choose to give your baby a great start in life and help adoptive parents to grow their family by trusting your child to them, you are doing a brave and selfless thing. There are many families waiting for a child to love, and there is no cost to you.

In Arkansas adoptions, the adoptive parents can help with the expectant mom’s expenses. You will not need to pay legal fees or medical costs. You are embarking on a journey that can sometimes be emotionally challenging, but you do not need to worry about costs.

What do you need?

You will need legal counsel. The adoptive parents will have their own legal representative and you will have your own. This is for your protection and — like all the steps in the process — for the ultimate good of the child.

If you are thinking about adoption for your child, your first step should be to call Heimer Law at (479) 225-9725, or to fill out our inquiry form. We can answer your questions and tell you more about the process. You are under no obligation when you talk with us.

Inquiry Form

You will need prenatal care. For your health and your child’s health, it’s important that you be under the care of a doctor. There are resources available to you to make sure that you have the medical care you and your baby need. We can help you apply for help.

Once you decide on adoption, you will need to make an adoption plan. There are many choices available to you, including choices about how much contact you want to have with the adoptive parens. You might not have thought about all these things before. Again, we can answer questions for you and help you think through your decisions.

Choose a family. There are often several families waiting to adopt a child. We can help you find a family that lines up with your adoption plan. We can help you contact or meet with the family if you want to get to know them. We want to make sure that you are confident about the family that adopts your child.

Support after the adoption can start you off confidently in a new stage of your life. We can put you in touch with resources and stand with you during what can be an emotional time.

All these things are necessary for a successful adoption experience, but there is no cost to you. Contact us today to begin the conversation.

Inquiry Form