Every adoption includes a home study, a thorough investigation conducted by a licensed social worker to assess a prospective adoptive […]
Category: adoption
Adoption information for birth mothers and adoptive parents, as well as people looking for answers about adoption
Adoption Home Study: Background Checks
The adoption journey can be long and complicated. In the state of Arkansas, adoption of a newborn can be finalized […]
Adoption: Genetic and Social History
A genetic and social history has a very special meaning when it comes to Arkansas adoptions. The law describes this […]
Real Parents
Sticks and stones, the old saying goes, may break my bones, but words can never hurt me. We all probably […]
International Adoption vs. Domestic Adoption
When you first begin to consider adoption, there may seem to be so many possible paths that it can feel […]
What Does It Cost to Put a Baby up for Adoption?
There is never any cost to an expectant mother or a birth mother for putting a baby up for adoption. […]
Expectant Mom, Meet the Adoptive Parents
You’re expecting a baby, but this is not the right time in your life to become a parent. You’ve made […]
Adoptive Parents, Meet the Expectant Mom
Some first meetings are naturally fraught with emotions: when you meet your significant other’s parents for the first time, when […]