If you are thinking of putting a baby up for adoption, we are here to help.  An unplanned pregnancy can be emotionally overwhelming, but getting the information you need is a good way to start coming to terms with your decision. We are Arkansas Adoption Experts, ready to help answer your questions.

We want you to know that we’re here to support you through this important decision, but ultimately, the choice is yours to make. Your well-being and your baby’s well-being are some of our top priorities, and we’re committed to providing you with the resources and assistance you need, should you decide to explore adoption through Heimer Law.

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We understand that this may be a challenging time for you, and we want to acknowledge your courage and selflessness in considering adoption for your child. It’s perfectly normal to have doubts and uncertainties when faced with such a significant decision. Whether you’re contemplating parenting, adoption, or even abortion, each option carries its own weight and potential outcomes.

If you choose to allow Heimer Law to assist you in creating an adoption plan, please know that we will walk beside you every step of the way. You’re not alone in this journey, and we’re here to provide the guidance and support you need as you navigate through this process.

Coping with unplanned pregnancy

We’ve prepared a step-by-step guide, and you can explore our website for lots of information. Or, if you’re ready for a direct conversation, feel free to call or text anytime at 479-799-3603. We’re here to assist you around the clock, every day of the week.

  • STEP 1 Contact Us. Whether you are ready to place your baby for adoption or just want more information, the first step is to contact us. It doesn’t matter what month of your pregnancy you are in. Heimer Law is here for you, and we are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to help guide you. You can text or call us at 479-799-3603, anytime.
  • STEP 2 Design Your Perfect Adoption Plan. We will work with you to create an adoption plan that reflects your wants and needs. We can help you get prenatal care if you are not already, and we can help you apply for state aid, medicaid or public aid. You decide how much, if any, contact you want with the adoptive parents during your pregnancy, at the time of birth and after the birth. This can include texting, emailing, phone calls, visits, pictures, letter updates, facetime/videos or no contact at all. You will be given the chance to choose adoptive parents who want the same level of communication.
  • STEP 3 Choose a Family. You can select a family from our group of waiting family profiles (most are local Arkansas families) or we can help you find a family whose desires are in line with your adoption plan.
  • STEP 4 Make A Birth Plan.  Who do you want with you for the delivery?  Where are you most comfortable delivering the baby? We can offer a great deal of support before and after the delivery of the baby. Usually, the baby will go directly home from the hospital with the adoptive family, but you can decide if you will want to see the baby, hold the baby, feed, or change the baby, or even spend alone time with the baby before your discharge from the hospital.  You will also use this time to meet with your own attorney who will be working to represent your interests.  They are on your team, and they won’t cost you a penny.
  • STEP 5 Ongoing Support After the Adoption. Every birth mother’s post-placement situation is unique. The level of contact you’ll have with the adoptive family and the baby depend on your adoption plan and the wishes of the adoptive family. If you are interested, we will connect you with support resources going forward. We will be committed to you and to walking through the different emotions you may be experiencing.

Call or text 479-799-3603



In an open adoption, the birth family and the adoptive parents usually have direct contact with one another before and after the adoption. This may include phone calls, texts, emails, video calls and even face-to-face visits. The level of openness is agreed upon between the birth family and the adoptive parents as you get to know one another and develop a relationship.  Sometimes, this kind of adoption just means getting updates about the child without direct communication.  We can help you figure out what will work best in your situation.


In closed adoptions, the birth family decides they do not want to have any direct contact with the adoptive family. You will still be able to choose the family for your child, but your anonymity will be protected.

birth mother


I am thinking about adoption. Can you help me with my decision?

Absolutely. We can answer your questions. Then you will make the final decision.  There is no obligation or cost to you for reaching out and finding out how adoption works and how it might work out in your situation. We can explain your options and we trust you will make the best decision for you and your baby. An unplanned pregnancy requires choices for the future. We can help you sort out your options and understand the details.

How can I be certain that the family I choose to adopt my baby will provide a safe home?

All of our families must be HOME STUDY APPROVED.  This means they had to go through an interview process and extensive background checks.  A licensed social worker visited them in their home, ran criminal and child abuse record checks on them, collected reference letters from their family, friends and even doctors.  They had to prove financial stability and emotional readiness so that the Judge and you can be certain that this is a safe, stable and healthy environment for your child.

Can I choose the family that adopts my baby?

Yes, you get to choose. By giving your child life and making the choice of the family who will raise them, you are giving them the greatest gift they will ever receive.  We can help you figure out what you might be looking for in a couple, and possible questions to ask.

Will I have any contact with the couple I choose?

Yes, if this is what you want. If you do not want contact, we respect your decision and will only show you families who will also respect that. Most expectant parents choose to have phone or video calls with the adoptive family during pregnancy and then want pictures, updates or even visits after birth.

Will this adoption cost me anything?

No. This process is free to you. The adoptive parents will pay for your legal expenses as well as reimbursing you for other pregnancy related expenses.  They can help with costs such as food, housing, and transportation.

Can I get paid to put my baby up for adoption?

No; however, you can still receive financial support.  Arkansas law allows you to be reimbursed for pregnancy related expenses which can include food, housing, transportation, and general maintenance.  Adoption can provide you some of the financial support you need as you plan for your own future.

What if I live outside of Arkansas?

Heimer Law can still help you or can help you find a more appropriate local resource.

Why should I choose adoption?

Brave women choose adoption when they know it is what’s best for their child and when they have the strength to put their child’s needs in front of their own pain.  We have such respect for that kind of selfless love.  Some women recognize they are financially unable to support a child or another child.  Others realize they aren’t emotionally ready to care for a new baby. We know the choice isn’t easy and we respect your decision in it.

Can my parents stop me from choosing adoption for my baby?

No. This is your child, and you are the only one who will know if you can raise this baby. Your parents cannot stop you legally from creating an adoption plan even if you are still a minor.

Is this safe and legal?

Yes, adoption is safe and legal. Heimer Law has completed hundreds of adoptions in Arkansas.  The process is simple and confidential and requires a judge to approve it.  All legal work is conducted by qualified attorneys.

Can I put my child up for adoption without telling the birth father?

Maybe, in many cases in Arkansas, the birth father will not have to be contacted as part of the adoption process.  This depends on things such as whether he has taken any steps to provide for you or the child the pregnancy or whether you are married.  Contact us to discuss your situation and we can talk through your unique situation.  There is no charge or obligation for this call.

Will my child go into foster care?

No, in private adoptions, you child will be discharged from the hospital directly into the care of the adopting parents.  Your child will not spend one day in foster care.

Do I have to go in front of a judge?

No, you will fill out your paperwork for the adoption with your own attorney (paid for by the adoptive family) and you won’t have to go to Court.

What is my next step?

For more information, please call or text 479-799-3603.

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